The People of CIAS

Lorenzo Alvisi -- Software reliability, distributed computing, fault tolerance, Byzantine replication, incentive-based systems

Fred R. Chang -- Information Assurance and Security

Michael D. Dahlin -- trustworthy large-scale systems, distributes systems, file systems, Byzantine fault tolerance, incentive-based systems

Warren A. Hunt Jr. -- microprocessor verification, formal models, specification and mechanical proofs

Matt Kaufmann -- mechanical theorem proving, ACL2

Calvin Lin -- compilers, error-checking

Aloysius K. Mok -- robust real-time systems, system architecture, software engineering

J Strother Moore -- mechanical theorem proving, ACL2

Lili Qiu -- wireless networks, network measurement, IP telephony, packet classification and security

Vitaly Shmatikov -- privacy, password cracking, analysis of security protocols, denial of service, fair exchange, anonymity, trust management

Emmett Witchel -- hardware and operating system support for security, fault diagnosis

William D. Young -- automated reasoning, computer security, program verification

Yin Zhang -- computer networks, anomoly and intrusion detection, network measurement, XML routing, overlay routing and multi-homing